Pansear evolves With a fire stone
To evolve Pansage/Panpour/Pansear you have to use a leaf stone on Pansage, a water stone on Panpour, and a fire stone on Pansear.
Pansear can evolve with a fire stone
Any level as long as you have a fire stone.
yes they do. Pansage evolves to Simisage Pansear evolves to Simisear Panpour evolves to Simipour Hope this was helpful :D
Pansear cannot evolve without a firestone... ^_^
Pansear evolves by Fire Stone into Simisear.
Pansear evolves With a fire stone
To evolve Pansage/Panpour/Pansear you have to use a leaf stone on Pansage, a water stone on Panpour, and a fire stone on Pansear.
Pansear evolves into Simisear with the fire stone which you can get at the last pier on the very right in Castelia city. They'll ask you if you want to evolve either Pansear, Pansage, or Panpour. tell them you want to evolve Pansear and you'll get the leaf stone. Hopes this helps :)
Pansear can evolve with a fire stone
Pansear is the pokemon you get espicaly to beat the first gym, cheren and so it can be useful at the begining of the game if you choose your starter as oshawatt. you get pansear at the dreamyard as you talk to a girl at the end of the lane and obtain it. Pansear cannot evolve without a fire stone If you chose tepig you will get pansage and snivy you get panpour! you can't evolve any of them with: pansear: fire stone pansage: grass stone panpour: water stone
to evolve pansear you need to give it a fire stone
It does not evolve by level. Give it a fire stone.
Panpour, Pansage and Pansear evolve when evolution stones are used on them.
Pansear can only evolve with a Fire Stone, levels are meaningless.