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Ive heard it will be inbeetween June 1 and June 6.

But its for sure coming out this summer :)

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Q: When is the Minecraft xbox update coming out?
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When is the 1.8.2 minecraft xbox update coming out?

It is coming out either in late September or early October.

When is the Minecraft Xbox 360 title update 12 coming out?

i can guess late july

How do you go to the end in Minecraft xbox?

You cant yet Minecraft Xbox 360 edition hasn't received the update where you can go into the end but I believe it will be coming soon.

When are endermen coming to minecraft xbox 360 edition?

When the Adventure Update is added (1.8 for PC.) Xbox is currently running 1.6.6 so you will have to wait for the 1.7 update first.

How do you update Minecraft xbox?

Usually when you start up minecraft on an update release date a gray box will pop up asking if you would like to update minecraft xbox 360 edition ,then answer yes i would like to update then there you go your minecraft is updated.If you were wondering about the update we xbox people are a few updates behind.Currently minecraft xbox 360 is on 1.0.1 ,not to far away from 1.5.

Are there strongholds in Minecraft for xbox?

xbox 360 i just like minecraft 1.6.6. and everything works seeds items anything for 1.6.6 strongholds came out in minecraft 1.8 so sadly not let in to game update said to be coming

Can you update minecraft on xbox 360 to 1.3.2?

No you can not.

When will the next update by minecraft for Xbox 360 be released?

Actual release date is not known.* * Version TU14 is the next update coming out on Xbox. It is supposed to be the PC equivalent of version 1.3.1 See related link.

When is the update for minecraft xbox360 coming out?

When the update comes out.

When is 1.2 update for Minecraft coming?

February 22 2012. If this is for the new Minecraft update

When is the new update for xbox 360 coming out?

It will be around the 20th of June->15th of july 2012 it will have all of the stuff that is on minecraft for xbox360