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Late 2013, maybe. ;)

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Q: When is portal 3 coming out?
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What Valve game is coming next Portal 3 Half Life 3 or Left 4 Dead 3?

the next valve game coming is the portal 3 half life 3 thanks for asking and have fun on the game bye for now

When is portal 2 coming out for PS vita?

its coming out in 3900

When is the portal 2 demo coming out?

14th of July

When does Ginny and Dean pass through the portal?

They went through the portal when Harry was coming out after having had the Luck Potion.

Will Portal 3 be released?

They're making a Portal 3, so yes.

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What game is better portal 2 or Skate 3?

Portal 2

Will there be portal 3?

Nothing has been announced as of May 22, 2011. But there is still one unfinished story chell's past I don't know if there is going to be a portal 3 but I sure hope so :) SPOILERS!!! I hope there is, but Chell's life ended nicely, her leaving. If valve really wanted a portal 3, the field chell went to could be fake, a test chamber... Then there is ratman, Atlas and P-body, and at the end of the co-op coarse, there were alll thoes test subjects.. Please valve!!! PORTAL 3

When is portal 2 the video game coming out?

April the 19 in the US; April 21 in Europe.

What 3 structures are found in the portal triad region of the liver?

hepatic artery, portal vein, and common bile

How do you play portal 2 on PC without plastation 3?

Urm... you just buy Portal 2 from Steam and then play it...