i do not know maybe 2013 or something they
will still be a lan nfm 2 multiplayer so do not
get sad cause it is finish they will be more
All you do is go on pirate bay and type in need for madness 2
Need For Madness' Multiplayer mode was launched on October 20th 2011.
The release date of Madness Mini 6 is not known. The developers have stated they are unable to release the game at this time.
To download Midtown Madness 3 trial , Go on this link , http://rapid4me.com/?q=midtown+madness+3+pc+trial+version+free
its on mediafire
It is out now.
yes and Need for Madness 2 is out as well! NFM multiplayer is coming out next...
Need for madness 2 should be coming out about June 12.
It's out now
when will be need for madness multiplayer will be able to download
in late 2009 like December or November
Who knows on the internet
There Is No NFM 3 But There Is NFM Multiplayer
It already came out. I dont know exactly when it came out though srry >.>.
Tis already out. :3
probably next year in 2013
It is coming out on June.1th, you have to be patient. In the mean time, play radical play's new game, SUPER XBOTS.