On weekends usually (I think)
No he doesn't do a voice in Modern Warfare 2.
There are no golden weapons in Modern Warfare 2.
mw2 platinum is platinum
The Call of Duty Reflex Edition was the first Modern Warfare game for the Nintendo Wii and is not a Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 although it was released at that time
to date modern warfare 2 has made 750 million dollars :)
On some special weekends they will do it, and it is rarley announced in advance so that you have to play more
Yes the PC version does work on Windows XP
xp on Private match's
well, uh, sometimes infinity wards has things call double xp days where you get double xp for everything you do in-game( planting the bomb getting a kill) When those days happen i suggest you play snd
Uhhhmm, no, you can on Modern Warfare 2 though.
get the certain number of xp 10 times
Yes it will work i have windows xp it works fine if ur ram is gud
you try harder.
Modern warfare reflex and modern warfare are the same. Modern warfare "reflex" means that its for wii. If its just modern warfare its for the other consoles
mod it. see the website se7ensins.com for modded lobbies and help
Modern warfare 2
You cant get infinite bulletsin CALL OF DUTY MODERN WARFARE 2 but you can do it on CALL OF DUTY WORLD AT WARlook it up on google you can also get xp in Private matchs