Battlefield Bad Company 2
The newest one out so far sharing the Battlefield name is Battlefield Bad company 2, the next one ive heard of that hasn't been made yet is Battlefield 3. (I cant wait for it!)
battlefield bad company 2
No, Battlefield 3 does not follow the Bad Company series storyline. Battlefield 3 is a sequel to Battlefield 2.
Battlefield bad company 2
No the Bad Company series is a spin off the the original Battlefield series.
the highest level you can get in battlefield bad company 2 is level 50
battlefield 3
There are no claymores in Battlefield Bad Company 2, but they have C4 and anti-tank mines.
Battlefield 3 is part of the Battlefield series by DICE. It is the sequel to Battlefield 2. The Bad Company series is a spin-off of the Battlefield series.
Yes, there are many games like battlefield heroes: •battlefield play 4 free •battlefield 1947 •battlefield Vietnam •battlefield 2 •battlefield 2 modern combat •battlefield 2142 •battlefield: bad company •battlefield 1943 •battlefield: bad company 2 !! Enjoy !!
No, Battlefield 3 is the spiritual sequel to Battlefield 2 and is not related to the Bad Company series spin-off.
Unless your talking about Battlefield Bad Company 1 and 2 then No Battlefield 1 and Battlefield 2 have no story line.
You must own or atleast play another battlefield game, like the 1st bad company, or battlefield 2. Anything will work.