Tynamo evolves at level 39 into Electrick and then give the Pokemon a thunderstone(you can get the thunderstone on the top floor of the shopping center on route 9, (a man gives it to you) and it evolves into a Elektross.
Tynamo evolves into Eelektrik at Level 39.
Tynamo will evolve into Elektrik will evolve into Elektross with a thunderstone in Pokemon White.
You have to evolve tynamo to get an elektrik. Tynamo is found in the chargestone cave. It is extremely rare so good luck.
Tynamo evolves into Elektrik at level 39. Elektrik evoles into an awesome Elektross with a thunderstone which can be found in Chargestone cave.
You'll need a Tynamo and evolve it at level 39. Otherwise, you cannot find it in the wild.
Tynamo evolves at Level 39.
Tynamo evolves at Lv37.
Tynamo evolves at level 39 into Eelektrik.
Tynamo evolves into Eelektrik at Level 39.
Tynamo evolves into Eelektrik starting at level 39. Eelektrik evolves into Eelektross by using a Thunderstone.
Tynamo will evolve into Elektrik will evolve into Elektross with a thunderstone in Pokemon White.
You have to evolve tynamo to get an elektrik. Tynamo is found in the chargestone cave. It is extremely rare so good luck.
Tynamo evolves into Elektrik at level 39. Elektrik evoles into an awesome Elektross with a thunderstone which can be found in Chargestone cave.
Yes,from tynamo
Tynamo evolves into Eelektrik at level 39. Then with a Thunderstone it will evolve into Eelektross. It stays an electric-type and still has Levitate as its ability, leaving it with no super-effective attacks against it
Tynamo evolves once it hits Level 39.
If you catch a Tynamo, it will evolve into Eeletrik at level 39, then you evolve Eelectrik into Eelektross with a Thunder stone.