it HAS come out already, and it's called the impossible quiz book. it's very hard to find because it's only on one website called
There is not currently an Impossible Quiz 3.Instead, Splapp-me-do is writing a three-part "Impossible Quiz Book" for E4 Games. The first two chapters have already been released. See the answers at the related question below.
There is not currently an Impossible Quiz 3.Instead, Splapp-me-do is writing a three-part "Impossible Quiz Book" for E4 Games. The first two chapters have already been released. See the answers at the related question below.
1.go to google 2.type in impossible quiz 3.go to the 9th one and click on it
there is not answer, its impossible and the end of the quiz
yes, it is on addicting
There is not currently an Impossible Quiz 3.Instead, Splapp-me-do is writing a three-part "Impossible Quiz Book" for E4 Games. The first two chapters have already been released. See the answers at the related question below.(There was also a "2.5" unauthorized game produced by an imitator.)
Ok go to and search impossible quiz
Dont think so mate, they made an "impossible quiz 3" but only as an April fool's joke. once you upload it, it just shows pictures of ducks on a roll.
The Answer on level 7 in the impossible quiz iz: An Elephant.
The answer to number 16 on the impossible quiz 2 is Chris
you can't its impossible
The answer is ARSEFACEY
There are many quizes called "The Impossible Quiz" but you could search it on google, bing, or yahoo and it is available on the app store