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Once HM02 is obtained from Veilstone City

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Q: When does starly learn fly in pokemon diamond?
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Can Garchomp fly in Pokemon Diamond?

No, because it isn`t a flying type Pokemon. But you can catch a Starly at Route 201 and teach that Pokemon Fly.

Where do you find apokemon that can fly in Pokemon diamond?

Starly which you can find on your first battle. you can find starly around that Area. but they are hard to find because of bidoofs

How do you get starly to fly in Pokemon diamond?

You need to teach it Fly. You can find the HM Fly at the Team Galactic warehouse, but you need to defeat the Gym Leader of the city first.

What level does staravia learn fly in pokemon diamond?

staravia actually does not learn fly you have to teach it an hm.

Can Crobat learn the move fly in Pokemon diamond?

yesz it can

How many dragon pokemon's can learn fly in Pokemon diamond?

ehm its fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu/cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk

Can drifblim learn the hm fly in diamond?

Hows about you try it? If its a flying Pokemon it should be able to.

Which baby Pokemon can learn the move Fly?

No baby Pokemon can learn Fly

Can Palkia use fly in Pokemon diamond?

No, Palkia can only learn Cut, Surf, Strength and Rock Smash.

Is starly a good pokemon in diamond to catch?

Yes. Because... 1. It evolves into a Staraptor which are very powerful 2. Its a flying type so it can learn Fly (Which is very useful) 3. Its also a Normal type so its immune to Ground and Ghost type which will be good when you face those gym leaders.

Can dugtrio learn fly in Pokemon FireRed?

No, Dugtrio cannot learn Fly. Only Flying-type Pokemon, of which Dugtrio is not, are able to learn Fly.

What Pokemon can fly across the map?

their is a lot of Pokemon that can fly so just find like a starly or something that looks like it can fly or has wings p.s. raquaza and arceus can fly including lugia ,ho-oh and mew and deoxys