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The Sailor's Son goes to sleep after you have defeated the Elite Four and obtained the National Dex.

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Q: When does sailor eldritch's son get put to sleep in Pokemon platinum?
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Where do you get the item ''lunar wing''in Pokemon platinum?

Get your National Pokedex and talk to the sailor in Canalave City. He'll ask you to sail to Fullmoon Island for a Lunar Wing to cure his son, put to sleep by Darkrai.

Where do you get the sleep powder TM on Pokemon Platinum?

There isn't a TM for sleep powder. It's impossible to get. or you can get either an oddish wich will eventually get to know it

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next to the sailor who takes you there (and to iron island)

Where can you catch a wobbuffet in Pokemon platinum and where can you catch a lv 30 or higher Pokemon that knows sleep powder?

get it were mesperit lake is and in the grass use pokeradar.

Where do you find sleep talk in Pokemon?

in Diamond and Pearl and Platinum you find it outside Eterna Forest where you need to Cut the small trees

Can you capture regigigas without any of the reggies on Pokemon platinum?

nope cause all the other reggies will awake reggigas from his sleep.

Does umbreon learn a move that puts other Pokemon to sleep in Pokemon platinum?

Yes Umbreon learns hypnosis I don't know when though. Get it to level 60 and go to the move toutor.

What Pokemon should you use to capture Darkrai in Pokemon Platinum?

if you are using an AR code to modify the Pokemon you catch just go to the safari zone and use the code. if not just use a Pokemon that puts it to sleep. HOPE THIS HELPS :-D

Why does Robinson crusoe sleep in a hammock?

because he was a sailor

How do you catch darkirai in Pokemon platinum?

you first finish the national dex then you go to canalave city and behind the Pokemon center the house you go in. once the door is unlocked you go to bed and sleep it will take you to darkrai

What does sleep powder do?

its a Pokemon attack that puts Pokemon to sleep