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It evolves when it is happy during the daytime.

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Q: When does riolu evolve Pokemon resolute versoin?
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How do you get lucrio in Pokemon SoulSilver?

Catch a Riolu and evolve Riolu.

In Pokemon platinum how do you evolve riolu and Pichu?

Riolu evolve's normally and pichu evolves through happie'ness

What level does Riolu evolve at in Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Explorers of Sky?

Riolu doesn't not evolve at a certain level. Tp evolve Riolu, Riolu must have an IQ≥1. Also, the item Sun Ribbon must be obtained. Then, you may evolve Riolu.

What level does riolu evolve in Pokemon soul silver?

answer riolu doesnt evolve by level it evolves by care and love

How do you make riolu evolve on Pokemon?

Riolu evolves when you have maxed out its friendship, it will evolve at the next levelup during daytime.

If you trade riolu from Pokemon platinum does it evolve?


How do you evolve riolu to Lucario in Pokemon pearl?

You must raise Riolu's happiness to the maximum then level it in order for it to evolve into Lucario.

What is inside the egg that Reilly gives you in Pokemon platinum?

A Riolu, which can evolve into a Lucario.

What level does riolu evolve in Pokemon?

with high friendship

What level does Riolu evolve into Lucario in Pokemon Platinum?

(well first let me tell you this don,t trade Riolu because if you get him back or not he or she will not evolve)but anyway Riolu evolve at Lv.16 or 24

How do you evolve a Riolu While playing Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Explorers of sky?

First, you have to have defeated Darkrai. Second, you need to equip riolu with a sun ribbon, and take it to the spring where you evolve pokemon. Then it will evolve into lucario.

How I evolve riolu in Pokemon crater?

you must beat drake