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it depends on how long you chose to pay when you bought the membership

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Q: When does my membership expire?
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Does your membership expire if you get banned?

if u r a member and ur account is, ur membership will not expire....:]

When does my sams club membership expire?

Only you and Sams Club can find the answer. I would recommend calling them.

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Yes. If your Moshi Monsters membership is for one month, it will expire 30 days from when you first activated your membership.

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The silver membership is free and does not expire.

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Usually once you purchase your membership it will say when it will expire.

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Let it expire!

Does xbox live silver membership expire?

It shouldn't do, as it's their free membership tier.

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it says your membership is going to exspire

What does it mean to have monthly membership on Club penguin?

It means than in a month, your membership will expire.

Do club penguin membership cards expire?

yes membership on club penguin does expire club penguin membership is double so say you wanna do one month of membership you would get two months so that's probably why its so expensive.

Does a play station have membership forever?

yes membership in the Playstation Network is free and unless you are banned it does not expire

How do you delete your gold membership on dizzywood?

Oh my! You can't cancel a gold or silver membership... It will expire not that you will delete it!