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i have heard that it is 2011 not sure what date though soz

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Actually there are just rumors of the game on sites like IGN. There is no official announcement and Left 4 Dead 2 was released back on November 17, 2009.

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Q: When does left 4 dead 3 come out?
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When will left 4 dead 3 come out?

i don't know when left 4 dead 3 will come out, but i know there will be a new balls

What day does left 4 dead 3 and 4 come out?

They may never come out

When does left for dead 3 come out?

It likely will never come out Left 4 Dead 2 was released November 17, 2009

Is left 4 dead 3 coming out?

No, Left 4 Dead 3 is not coming out. There is only Left 4 Dead and Left 4 Dead 2. Both fun games.

When will left 4 dead 3 be out?

I bet it will come out in November of some year.

Will there be a left 4 dead 3 if so will it have the left 4 dead 2 characters?

no, left 4 dead 3 would not have the same characters as in 1 or 2

Is there a left 4 dead 3 coming out?

Yes, I believe that it will come out around October or November.

What will left 4 dead 3 be about?

The makers of Left 4 Dead are currently not working on a Left 4 Dead 3. But they are making a lot of DLCs for the Xbox 360 and PC.

Is there such thing as Left 4 Dead 3?

There has been no confirmation if there will be a Left for Dead 3.

Left 4 Dead 3 characters?

Actually there is no left 4 dead 3 valve dosen't know how to count to 3

Is there a haggard in left 4 dead?

Not Left 4 Dead 1 or 2, but Valve and Havok announced the Haggard in Left 4 Dead 3.

Is there any proof of a Left 4 Dead 3 being made?

No Left 4 dead 3 will be in 2013 i think