

Best Answer

Level 30 into
like at level 25 or 24............. somewhere in the in the 20,s.

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Q: When does ekans evolve in Pokemon HeartGold?
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How do you get an arbok in Pokemon HeartGold?

I would say that the best way would be to get an ekans then evolve it

What level does ekans and Pidgeotto evolve in Pokemon heartgold and soulsilver?

Ekans Evolves at level 22. To Arbok Pidgeotto evolves at level 36. To Pidgeot

Where can you catch ekans in Pokemon HeartGold?

You can catch Ekans in Pokémon HeartGold in the Safari Zone in the Marshlands area.

What lv does ekans evolve in Pokemon sapphire?

Ekans evolves at level 22.

What level does ekans evolve on Pokemon gold?

Ekans evolves at level 22.

What does ekans evolve into Pokemon Red?

ekans evolves into arbok at level 22

What level does ekans evolve in Pokemon tower defence?

ekans --lvl.22--> arbok

Pokemon Diamond what is the 23rd Pokemon in the national pokedex?

The 23rd Pokemon in the national pokedex for Pokemon Diamond is Ekans. Ekans has a form of a small snake. Ekans could evolve into Arbok. ( Ekans evolves at Lv. 22 )

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Where can you find abrook on Pokemon LeafGreen?

you have to evolve ekans into abrook

In Pokemon HeartGold can you evolve sableye?

No, Sableye does not evolve.

In what episode does ekans evolve in Pokemon?

In episode 31 - Dig Those Diglett.