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At level 14 when it evoleves into monferno


I believe this is incorrect. I have a level 32 Monferno and it still hasn't learned mach punch. I believe it learns it when Monferno evolves into Infernape, but this is just a guess.

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Q: When does chimchar learn Mach Punch?
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When does chimchar learn Mach Punch if it evolves at level 18?

Chimchar learns Mach Punch at level 14, when it evolves in Monferno (Chimchar evovles at level 14, Piplup at level 16, and TURTWIG at level 18

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Chimchar Evolves into Monferno @ lvl. 14 but when it gets to level 14 let it evolve or it wont learn mach punch.

What moves can chimchar learn?

chimchar learns ember at lvl 7 and taunt at lvl 9 then evolves at lvl 14 and learns mach punch

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No, Shroomish cannot learn Mach Punch.

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It doesn't learn Mach Punch.

What level does Infernape learn Mach Punch?

Because the Pokemon Infernape is first obtainable at level 36 when Monferno evolves, its moveset for moves prior to level 36 must be learned prior to its evolution. Chimchar, its first evolution, does not learn Mach Punch, and must evolve to Monferno at level 14. It learns Mach Punch immediately upon evolving.

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There's a ghost gym?!?!?! No way! Somebody helpful answer this question!

Does a level 28 breloom learn mach punch?

It can learn Mach Punch, but it should be able to learn upon evolution. Breloom is able to learn Mach Punch at level 23. If you think it was forgotten, it can be relearned by the Move Reminder in Fallarbor Town. If you are playing Pokemon FireRed or LeafGreen, the Move Reminder can be found in Two Island in the house next to the Game Corner.

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Then he doesn't learn it anymore.

In Pokemon platinum how do you beat the first gym leader with a chimchar?

Level it up until it evolves into a Monferno, then level it until it learns double kick, double kick is super effective against all the gym leaders Pokemon. that bull crap here how it goes that monferno don't learn double kick it will learn mach punch which isn't very strong but very much fast it will evolve at lv14 guys shut up it learns both double kick and mach punch so i will settle this when your chimchar evolves it will lern mach punch later on in the evolstion it will learn double kick SORTED There is a much simpler way. Just catch a Machop train it to level 7 or 8 and beat all the gym trainers.

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Mach Punch

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mach punch hyper beam thunder roar of time