when angy is LvL.25 it will evolve into Archangy and when Archangy is LvL.46 it will evolve into Seraphy
level 25... kraver level: name:
Sun Stone -use on Sunkern to evolve into Sunflora and on Gloom to evolve into BellossomMoon Stone-use on Nidorina to evolve into Nidoqueen, Nidorino to evolve into Nidoking, Jigglypuff to evolve into Wigglytuff, Clefairy to evolve into Clefable or Skitty to evolve into DelcattyFire Stone-use on Eevee to evolve into Flareon, Growlithe to evolve into Arcanine or Vulpix to evolve into NinetalesThunderstone-use on Pikachu to evolve into Raichu or Eevee to evolve into JolteonWater Stone-use on Eevee to evolve into Vaporeon, Staryu to evolve into Starmie, Shellder to evolve into Cloyster or Lombre to evolve into LudicoloLeaf Stone-use on Gloom to evolve into Vileplume, Exeggcute to evolve into Exeggcutor or Nuzleaf to evolve into ShiftryShiny Stone-use on Togetic to evolve into Togekiss or Roselia to evolve into RoseradeDusk Stone-use on Misdreavus to evolve into Mismagius or Murkrow to evolve into HonchkrowDawn Stone-use on a Female Snorunt to evolve into Froslass or a male Kirlia to evolve into a GalladeOval Stone-Happiny has to hold during the day to evolve into Chansey
Gastrodon doesn't evolve.
Five different Pokemon evolve using a Sun Stone. Gloom will evolve into Bellossom. Sunkern will evolve into Sunflora. Cottonee will evolve into Whimsicott. Petilil will evolve into Lilligant. Helioptile will evolve into Heliolisk.
crabbeld... its crabbeld
I don't think that rarse really evolves in terapets. U should keep playing it and see if it evolves or not. I hope this helps. :d
level 25... kraver level: name:
Angy is 155 cm.
The population of Angy is 1,186.
I don't think he does but he's really easy to lvl up and he's strong sometimes 1/3 hits he K.O his opponent
Angy Palumbo died in 1960.
The area of Angy is 3,600,000.0 square meters.
Angy Fernández was born in 1990.
Angy's birth name is Angela Mara Fernndez Gonzlez.
Angy was born on September 5, 1990, in Palma, Balearic Islands, Spain.