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As a general rule, Generation Y ends with those born in 1993 and Generation Z begins with those born in 1994. A person of Generation Y would have, as a young person, experienced and remembered the transformation and spread of the use of digital technology. Generation Z, on the other hand, will have grown up experiencing digital technology as a much more common phenomenon. Common examples of subjects of this divide include the development of cordless and cellular phones, transition from VHS to DVD, and increasing access to, and uses of, the internet. The youngest of Generation Y are likely to have experienced the popular culture of the '90s, the turn of the century, and September 11, 2001. The oldest of Generation Z, however, are likely to have been too young to remember such events. As another general guideline, Generation Z will not vote in the 2012 United States elections.

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Q: When does Generation Y end and let Generation Z begin?
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