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u have 2 finish the elite 4. then u get 2 n's castle and first u catch Zekrom then u fight


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Q: When do you get Zekrom in pokemon white version?
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Is Zekrom in white version?

zekrom is the main Pokemon of white version and rashiram is to the black version.

What version can you get zekrom in pokeman?

Zekrom is the Pokemon White version exclusive.

Do you get a Zekrom figure with Pokemon White version?


Can you get Zekrom in Pokemon black version?

No, you have to trade it from white version

Do you get Zekrom in black or white?

you get zekrom in Pokemon white version and resheriham in Pokemon black.(in my oppinion, it should be the other way around, zekrom in Pokemon black, and resheriham in Pokemon white version) IT IS JUST LIKE PUTTING DIALGA IN POKEMON PEARL AND PALKIA IN POKEMON DIAMOND.

Is Zekrom on Pokemon black or Pokemon White version?

Pokemon white reshiram is on black

How do you catch Zekrom on pokemon black version?

You can't. If you want a Zekrom, you have to trade with someone who has Pokemon White

Can you get both Reshiramin and Zekrom in black or white?

No you can't unless you use cheats here are the games POKEMON BLACK VERSION: Reshiram POKEMON WHITE VERSION: Zekrom

How do you get Zekrom Pokemon black?

You have to trade it from someone who has Pokemon White. It is a version exclusive pokemon, exclusive to that version.

Can you get Zekrom in Pokemon Black?

No, it is a version exclusive to Pokemon White. You'll have to trade it from someone who has that version.

Is Zekrom in Pokemon black or white the video game?

Zekrom is in both games, however, you may catch it in white version.

What legendary in Pokemon Black and White?

The white legendary Pokémon is Reshiram, while the black legendary Pokémon is Zekrom. You can get Zekrom in the White version while you can get Reshiram in the Black Version.