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2001 in the US or 1997 in the manga in Japan.

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Q: When did yu-gi-oh first came out?
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When does the yu-gi-oh5ds manga come out?

it has came out check out and search for yugioh 5ds

How old is yugioh?

In the series Yugioh, Yugi is 16 years old. In the series Yugioh GX, he is 26 years old because in Yugioh GX, Domino City is 10 years into the furture in Yugioh.

Is yu-gi-oh still popular?

Yugioh has become less popular due to the fact that Konami has changed the whole story of yugioh 3 times. They should have left it the same with yugi and the pharoah. When the final duel came and left, yugioh popularity went with it. The cards are interesting but most people are not that interested in the whole yugioh game anymore because it is not the same anymore!

Where can you download yugioh 5Ds episodes?

Best place to watch any episodes of Yugioh, Yugioh GX, Yugioh 5D's, and Yugioh Zexal is at the website

What is the first yugioh battle city duels episode?

Episode 57

Is there an online yu-gi-oh 5d's game?

yes it is called yugioh online accelarater. type in yugioh online on google and go on first link

What comes after Yugioh 5ds?

Series after: yugioh 5'ds is yugioh Zexal.

What Was The First Y Gi Oh Card's Name?

yugioh duelist of the roses

What happened to the old yu-gi-oh characters?

time has passed since the first yugioh series. for example:yugioh GX was made 10 yrs after the first one and yugioh 5d's...well i dunno how long it was after GX

Where are the tournaments in yugioh 5ds yugioh 5ds stardust accelerator?

Go to to check for updates when new tuornament on yugioh 5'ds be out.

Where do you get legendary Yugioh pack?

Walmart or a yugioh store.

What comes after Yugioh 5 d?

yugioh zexal