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while fighting goku in majin state

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Q: When did Vegeta turn ss2?
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When does Goku turn ss2?

he turns ss2 when he fights majin vegeta

When did Goku turn into a ss2?

When he and Gohan were in the time chamber training to take on Cell at his tournament. Goku hit ss2 but realized it had a major flaws due to the large build so he and Gohan worked on increasing their power without having to change their form. That is also the reason when they came out of the chamber they were still in their ss forms which they stayed they way till Cell was defeated.this is not true goku did not go ss2 in the hyperbolic time chamber because like trunks and vegeta he only went super super saiyan which is like super saiyan 1.5 the bulky form however he did go ss2 when he fought majin vegeta he goes ss2 and there is always lightning and ss2 is very fast as proved by gohan when he killed all the cell juniors.wronggoku turn ssj2 in buu sega during the fight with vegeta the ss2 he is speeking of is the 1 what trunks achive its boltti muscle form its like half ssj2

How many super saiyans are there?

Trunks, Gohan, Vegeta, Goku, Goten, Kid Trunks, Teen Gohan, Teen Broly, Broly. Trunks can go SS1 and USS, Gohan can go SS1 and SS2, Vegeta can go SS1, USS, SS2 and SS4, Goku can go SS1, SS2, SS3 and SS4, Goten can go SS1 gotenks 1, 2, 3 , Kid Trunks can go SS1, Teen Gohan can go SS1 and SS2, Teen Broly can go SS1 and Broly can go SS1 and LSS. no your missin people planet vegeta, vegeta trunks goten raditz goku gohan ect. o yea goten go gotenks

What episode does vegeta turn ssj2?

episode 214 when hes majin

Can goku go ss2 on burst limit?

sadly no

Related questions

When does Goku turn ss2?

he turns ss2 when he fights majin vegeta

Can vegeta on ss2 on burst limit?

No Vegeta cant go ss2 without majin buu cuz vegeta has no heart and doesnt train he thinks he's the strongest

Who is stronger ss2 goku or majin vegeta?


When did Goku turn into a ss2?

When he and Gohan were in the time chamber training to take on Cell at his tournament. Goku hit ss2 but realized it had a major flaws due to the large build so he and Gohan worked on increasing their power without having to change their form. That is also the reason when they came out of the chamber they were still in their ss forms which they stayed they way till Cell was defeated.this is not true goku did not go ss2 in the hyperbolic time chamber because like trunks and vegeta he only went super super saiyan which is like super saiyan 1.5 the bulky form however he did go ss2 when he fought majin vegeta he goes ss2 and there is always lightning and ss2 is very fast as proved by gohan when he killed all the cell juniors.wronggoku turn ssj2 in buu sega during the fight with vegeta the ss2 he is speeking of is the 1 what trunks achive its boltti muscle form its like half ssj2

How many super saiyans are there?

Trunks, Gohan, Vegeta, Goku, Goten, Kid Trunks, Teen Gohan, Teen Broly, Broly. Trunks can go SS1 and USS, Gohan can go SS1 and SS2, Vegeta can go SS1, USS, SS2 and SS4, Goku can go SS1, SS2, SS3 and SS4, Goten can go SS1 gotenks 1, 2, 3 , Kid Trunks can go SS1, Teen Gohan can go SS1 and SS2, Teen Broly can go SS1 and Broly can go SS1 and LSS. no your missin people planet vegeta, vegeta trunks goten raditz goku gohan ect. o yea goten go gotenks

Super sayian 2 Goku?

Only Gohan was recognized as a SS2 however you can see other Saiyans have reached it as well. A SS2 is characterized same as a SS with more spiky hair and blue lightening surrounding them. Goku, vegeta, Broly and Gotanks also achieved this but more quietly. goku became ssj2 when he faught vegeta in the babidi saga

Is ssj2 vegeta stronger than ssj2 gohan?

vegeta is stronger because vegeta trained in the hyperbolic time chamber for a long time and got very strong, by then he turned ssj2 and became even stronger. gohan is strong as a ssj2 but vegeta is the stronger one. when vegeta went majin vegeta he turned ssj2 for the first time.

How does vegeta turn into Majin vegeta?

Babidi goes into Vegeta's mind and takes control of Vegeta, which turns Vegeta evil (Majin).

Did goku master super saiyan 2?

It kinda looks like it, because if you have seen Goku or Vegeta, or even Gohan at ssj2, they have an aura, and electricity around them. In the episode Fusion Dance, Goten and Trunks at there full power look like that. So I would say yes! == ==

Is vegeta stronger than cell in the majin buu saga?

Well Vegeta never went SS5, the highest we went was SS4. Any level above 4 is "not real" but "IF" he were to go "SS5" he would be a lot stronger than Goku. Goku is just a little bit over Vegeta but there is no way that he is 2 whole levels stronger than Vetega. Example: Goku couldn't beat Vegeta if Goku was in normal form and Vegeta went SS2 and he couldn't beat him if he was Super Saiyan and Vegeta was Majin.

What episode does vegeta turn into vegeta jr?

he doesn't vegeta jr is his great great great and another great grandson and at that time vegeta is dead but he dies naturally

Is gohan ss2 stronger than goku ss2?

no because Goku is more accurate and powerfull and also Goku can control the ss2