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On water.

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Q: When can you use surf in Pokemon platinum?
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How do you learn surf on Pokemon platinum?

Get the HM Surf then teach it to a pokemon.

How do you walk on water on Pokemon platinum?

You cant walk on water but you can use surf. You get surf in celestic town.

Where is the fuage ironwork in Pokemon platinum?

behind floaroma town use surf to get there

What gym lets you use surf?

The Hearthome gym leader Fantina lets you use surf in Pokemon Diamond, Pearl and Platinum.

Were to get surf on Pokemon platinum?

You get Surf from the elder of Celestic Town.

What gym leader lets you use surf?

The Hearthome gym leader Fantina lets you use surf in Pokemon Diamond, Pearl and Platinum.

How do you migrate from ruby on Pokemon platinum?

sandgem town go down use surf

What hm number is surf in Pokemon platinum?

Surf is HM #3. :-)

Pokemon platinum how to get to sunnyshore city?

you surf

In Pokemon light platinum hack were is surf and no not platinum light platinum its a hack of ruby?

It's just past where you captured Heatran in the Iron Mine, in Steelril City, Use RopeClmb on the wall to get hm03 surf.

Where do you find tentacool in pokemon platinum?

just use surf on almost any part of ocean

Where can you get an electrizer in Pokemon platinum?

Use surf by the valley windworks and go right. There you willl find it.