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here are the steps: 1.when you begin the game select mystery gift 2. select ricieve gift 3. select get via Nintendo wfc 4. watch as you get the liberty pass! 5. speak to the delivery man in the nearest pokemon center to get it 6. board the ship to liberty garden

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Q: When can you board a pass to liberty garden in Pokemon white?
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Where is Pokemon white tropical garden located?

There is none, though there is a Liberty Garden where you can get Vicktini.

How do you go to liberty garden in Pokemon white 2?

Liberty Garden can be visited via Boat from Castelia. Victini is no longer there.

Were is victini in pokemon white?

You need a liberty pass from mystery gifts (which is no longer available) and then you need to go to castelia city and board a ship to liberty garden. He should be easy to find there.

Can Liberty Garden still be sailed to after victini is caught in Pokemon white?


Where is victini in pokemon white?

Victini is found in a WiFi event. It is found in Liberty Garden. You will need a liberty pass.

Is there any other way to liberty garden in Pokemon white?

yes, there is a way you must go to gamestop and choose mystery gift to get the liberty pass and then go to the boat in castelia city to get to liberty garden then get victini.

How do you find vitini in Pokemon white?

first u have to get the liberty pass in an event and then go to liberty garden and defeat team plazma and ull get victini

How do you get victini in liberty garden in Pokemon black 2?

Victini cannot be found in Black 2. The event was previously in Black/White's Liberty Garden (via Wondercard), but Victini no longer resides there for the sequels.

Where on liberty garden is victini in Pokemon B and W 2?

Victini was a available event for Pokemon Black and White shortly after its release. The first event introducing Victini was, indeed, in Liberty Garden. It appeared as a level 15 legendary and only a Liberty Pass would make the event accessible. Sadly, the event is over and players cannot obtain the Liberty Pass anymore without using a cheating device. (The Liberty Pass does not activate Liberty Garden when using an Action Replay.)

Where can you catch victini in Pokemon white?

Victini is a Pokemon only available through Nintendo Events or trades. If you got the Liberty Pass (from a Nintendo Event), you can access Liberty Garden, where Victini is in the basement of the lighthouse

How do you get a Victini in Pokemon Black or White?

You must get it via Wireless Connection. Go to any GameStop or EBGames in North Amercia/Other parts of the world to get your free Liberty Pass! From March 6 to April 10, 2011 you can get the Liberty Pass that gives access to the Liberty Garden in Pokemon Black or White. This is where you catch Victini.

What is a liberty pass on Pokemon White?

If you mean where is the liberty pass it is in Mystery Gift on your title page. If you mean what it is it is the pass that allows you to board a boat in Driftveil City to catch Victini.