try storks. it has the smae sound ending 5 letter bird with plural.
Those letters can be used to spell "escaped".
The letters can be used in spelling the 4 letter words dots and dust. They also are used in the word stud.
The letters DO followed by a CK spells "dock."The word do (doo) followed by the K sound is "duke."
No words in the English language begin with the letters ck.
The phonogram ck is used for the sound /k/ at the end of a root after a short vowel; e.g., rock, duck.
try storks. it has the smae sound ending 5 letter bird with plural.
The letters spell the word cynic. The letters also can be used to spell the words icy and in.
The letters can be used to spell strangeness. The word used 11 of the 16 letters.
For word processing.
you s*ck
Those letters can be used to spell "behalf".