They are once a month. It is unknown when each party will be set but there is at least one each month.
They are free items that you can collect during some parties.
Becauase its fun and you get new friends and the parties...... AND ITS MORE FUN WHEN YOU ARE A MEMBER!!!!!!!!!!! xD Club penguin sucks you guys should try habbo, vside or clone wars the game!! >:(
It is possible to meet him in-game online, but only during certain parties/events.
Herbert is a the name of a mascot of club penguin. He is a polar bear and very mischievous, always trying to cause trouble to club penguin. He sometimes logs into club penguin to share with penguins his nasty plans. Places, like Town, Plaza, Dance club, Clothes Shop, are all rooms of club penguin. So basically to get the stamp, you have to be in the same place, at the same time, in the same server as Herbert on club penguin once.P.S. Herbert doesn't come online often on club penguin. He only comes on when parties related to the EPF happen on club penguin, which happens rarer than once a year. So try to grab him when you get to know he's on!
Not on the current Club Penguin but I think that they have old Club Penguin on Penguin Chat.
Yes, there are parties on club penguin called Carnival or Fair.
When there is parties on Club Penguin, there are member only rooms.
You can't....
You get them during parties.
Their have been Drama parties, Theater parties, Babysitting parties, Birthday parties, and parties that only members can join. Of course, these types of parties are thrown in penguin igloos.
In Club Penguin, we have: Puffle Parties, St. Pactric's Day Parties, Medieval Parties, April Fool's Day Parties, Easter Parties, Halloween Parties, Christmas parties and lots more! We also celebrate Penguin Play Awards at The Stage every year. We vote for our favourite plays.
Well at the Club Penguin HQ, They hold a meeting to discuss ideas for the future
( propeller hat ) you can get these in parties on club penguin. Youy can see when a party comes by the newspaper
Probably fivestarfrogcp has the most videos of Club Penguin Parties. He has hosted 12 parties since he started his Youtube account on December 25, 2009. This was written by: Jellyfish33.
Club Penguin usually has 12 parties a year. They have been around for about 4 years. They have probably have had about 48 parties so far, give or take.- As of November 26, 2009
club penguin used to be owned by miniclip but now Disney bought club penguin.Many people say old club penguin was better but i think that new club penguin is.Although i do miss a couple of parties.
She is only online at parties.