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it is just a type of decoration to change it a bit

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Q: Whats the donation tube for on club penguin?
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What do you do when you get the donation tube on club penguin?

Click the up key and coin will fly in the tube

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it means at the cove like you go under the wave and that's shooting the tube in club penguin

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you tube it

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Waddles12741 on You Tube!!!!!!

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look on you tube

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it changes every time i got it on you tube and in the BOOKS called club penguin ship wrech i am mimo777

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go to you tube and type in club penguin water hunt 2010. It's what I did.

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look You tube it will help you

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sorry what do you mean by in elf ? because there's no such thing as elf in club penguin

How popular is yeti 321 on club penguin?

he is such an awesome cheat penguin on you tube. i must be popular because he is my buddy!

How on Club Penguin how do you do mission missing puffles?

go to HQ and then go to the tube