codgm stand for to things one his online clan call Call.Of.Duty.Game.Master better know as Call of Duty games cuz u can only but four word as a clan in then their his ever old group cod get money gang but it stand for compton on deck or cash on deck get money gang
codgm stand for two things one Call.Of.Duty.Game.Master better know as call of duty gamers then it stand for cod get money gang better know as compton on deck get money gang or cash on deck get money gang take your pick bra rollin wth the VL
kyboi psn is kyboigetem or dj-flame but add my online people im jay-jay-codgm
kyboigetem meet this boy name Eric from the ps3 also his psn is e-codgm but Eric had sent him a chat invite so he want in they was talking then after 12days he want in sign them under his label cashondeck ent