That would be a dam, and it's rather specific.It doesn't refer to just a female horse but a horse mother. The male equivalent (a horse father) is a sire.
male. the 2nd one is female
no you cant breed male and male. only a ditto and a male, or male and female of the same pokemon
No, they can't. You have to either get a male or female adult or elder (maybe teen, I'm not sure, can't remember lol) to 'buy' the clothes for them. When you go to buy clothes for the children/child, you have to click on the child icon to 'browse' and 'buy' the clothes you want. However, children can 'browse'clothes. Happy Simming xxx
Bulbasaur Male: Lonely Female: Docile Charmander Male: Docile Female: Brave Squirtle Male: Quirky Female: Bold Pikachu Male: Brave Female: Hasty Meowth Male: Sassy Female: Relaxed Chikorita Male: Calm Female: Quiet Cyndaquil Male: Timid Female: Calm Totodile Male: Jolly Female: Sassy Treecko Male: Quiet Female: Hardy Torchic Male: Hasty Female: Rash Mudkip Male: Rash Female: Lonely Skitty Male: Hasty Female: Naive Turtwig Male: Bold Female: Timid Chimchar Male: Naive Female: Impish Piplup Male: Impish Female: Quirky Munchlax Male: Relaxed Female: Jolly
The male child of a father and mother is called their son, though what they personally call him would be largely a matter of the couple's choice.
The child is a biological male.
it is male
A mother needs to contribute an X chromosome to her child for them to be male. The father contributes a Y chromosome, resulting in an XY chromosome pair which determines a male child.
A male parent is considered to be the father of the child in most cases. A male parent can also be a step-father or even the grandfather of the child.
No it is not possible for a male child to have a father that died three years before he was born. It takes nine months for the mother to carry and have the baby delivered in the maternity ward.
it is quite important to have all figures in a child's life because bother father and mother have different functions in the growth of the child.
Yes, any one male and one female human can have a child (as we are all of the same species).