AQWorlds had it's Beta release on June 2nd, 2008 and it's live release on October 10th, 2008.
it cost $19.95 for 3 months membership, with a bonus of 1,000 ACs $34.95 for 6 month membership, with a bonus of 2,000 ACs and a special offer of $49.49 for one year membership, with a bonus of 5,000 ACs
Sonic Adventure 2 came out November 20th 2001, Sonic Adventure 2 Battle came out 8 months later June 19th 2002.
There is a Sonic Adventure #1 and a Sonic Adventure #2.There is now a Sonic Adventure 3 - released in 2011 - the year of the Sonic 20th anniversary.
Acually, the Warriors Adventure Game will not be playable until the end of next year.
stardolll is the best trust me
you get a necromancer token and it changes to that in new year
Adventure Quest Worlds is about a year and two months old.and if your wondering how i know just go on design notes and you will see the beginning date.btw my character is a member and my name is Maria nichan.
It is OK for a 10 year old as is all the other antrix games
You can get no class from the April Fools event. I am not sure if it comes back every year though.
right click their name on their pic or in the chat (i think.. i last played like a year ago).
Well.... For 3 months it is 19.95 (Plus 1,000 AC) For 6 months it is 34.95 (2,000 AC) And for 1 year there is a special on and it is 49.95 (And an additional 5,000 AC).
it cost $19.95 for 3 months membership, with a bonus of 1,000 ACs $34.95 for 6 month membership, with a bonus of 2,000 ACs and a special offer of $49.49 for one year membership, with a bonus of 5,000 ACs
It will come out later this year.
last year