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Moshi Monsters was developed in 2007 and released online in April of 2008.

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Q: What year did Moshi Monsters come out?
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When is the carnival going to come to Moshi Monsters?

The carnival has already come to Moshi Monsters.

What is in the Moshi Monsters magazine?

The moshi monsters offical magizine come out this year(2011)so far there is 2 issuse but the 3rd comes out on April the 22nd. The moshi monsters magizine is full of all things moshi!i recvomend it! please add me on moshi monsters my name is shootingstarcookie12

Who was moshi of the year this year on Moshi Monsters?

you do not sadly get moshi of the year but you can get moshi of the week which is great!!

What was made first Moshi Monsters or binweevils?

It was moshi monsters by about a year i think

How much a year does moshi member cost?

it costs £29.95 per year on Moshi Monsters.(I am lolipopgirly on Moshi Monsters)

What time did Moshi Monsters come out?

Moshi Monsters was launched into BETA in October 2007.

When did Moshi Monsters come out?

Moshi monsters started when they got to BETA and that was in october 2007

What month and day did Moshi Monsters come out?

Moshi Monsters came out of BETA in April 2008.

When will the new island come out on Moshi Monsters?

The new island on Moshi Monsters has been released.

What year did Monster come out?

Moshi Monsters was developed in 2007 and released online in April of 2008.

What are fun websites for 8 year girls like moshi monsters?

webkins and moshi monsters

What year did moshi monsters first open its doors to everyone?

Moshi Monsters started in 2008.