There is only one WoW game. World of Warcraft only one game, but it has multiple expansions. The latest one is Wrath of the Lich King, but another expansion is due to hit the scene late in 2010. It will be called Cataclysm.
you have to pay for wow.... Try wolfteam an uber online multiplayer game made by softynx copied by modern warfare and counter strike! AND ITS FREE
A cool game. Way better than WoW, i thought Wow would be good because so many ppl played it..turned out to be the goodest and coolest game ever.
84 or 89
It's one of best private WoW servers.It supports Wotlk+DK and it's lagfree.
WOW or World of Warcraft is the best shooting game ever because hunters are over powered. And to add to that they can enter first person so.
No it is the sims no questions asked
Fear. Wow. Of course! It's a horror game where you fight zombies. Wow. That's original, huh? Get Resident Evil 5 though. best horror game.
wow is the best game nuthin can beat it thnx for listening
Runescape, Or the WoW 10 day free trial :D
Currently, the swords that you get from battered hilt quests are the best in the game.
Wow she is a hero wow she is the best. Wow
you cant. your like not allowed to ):
I don't think that you can create a WoW game licence. If you can I have no idea how you do it and I have NEVER heard of it.
Wow! That was the fastest game I have ever seen!Wow, I had no idea that was possible!
wheel of wow wheel of wow
World of Warcraft