There are no English words that meet the criteria, but bittock is a word you can make without the M.
· umps · urns · uses
Soft is a four letter word. It uses the letters fsto.
These words I am not to sure about: douleiamoineaueutopiamiaoudadoulieeucosiaeunomiaThese ones 100% sure:sequoiaeulogia
Three-letter words (3):HAJ, RAJ, TAJFour-letter words (4):HADJ, HAJJ, BENJ, MUNJFive-letter words (5):AFLAJ, FALAJSix-letter word (6):SVARAJ, SWARAJSources: Merriam-Webster's Official Scrabble Player's Dictionary, 4th Edition (OSPD4); Official Tournament and Club Word List, 2nd Edition (OWL2); Collins Official Scrabble Dictionary; Collins Scrabble Words*North American play (OSPD4, OWL2) only uses the boldwords. European play (Collins) uses all of the words.
The only word that starts and ends with the letter u is "Urdu". Urdu is an Indian language that is the official literary language of Pakistan. It is essentially identical to Hindi in its spoken form, but in its literary form is it heavily influences by Persian and Arabic and when written uses the Arabic Alphabet.
Words ending with XI:MaxiTaxiXi
· umps · urns · uses
All rhyming poetry.
All rhyming poetry.
prutah, teraph, through
The only word I could find that uses those letters and ends with H is hippish.
Words that are known for the most uses of the letter f include niffnaffed, riffraff, cuffuffles, and chiffchaff.
Soft is a four letter word. It uses the letters fsto.
Things starting with the letter l that use electricity:lamplaptoplawn mowerleaf blowerlight bulb
It's called an aqualung
Some words with the TL combination are:antlerapostleatlasbattlebeetlebottlebristlebrittlebutlercastlecattlechitlinschortlecutletepistlefetlockgauntletgentlegristlehustlejostlekettlelittlemantlemeatloafmistletoemotleynestlenettleoutlawportlyrattlerustlescuttlesettleshuttlespittlespotlightstartlesubtletattlethistlethrottletitletootletrestleturtlewhistlewhittlewrestleAlso, any word that ends in T and uses the suffix LY, LIKE or LESS such as abruptly, catlike, or beltless.
According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 3 words with the pattern -SES. That is, four letter words with 2nd letter S and 3rd letter E and 4th letter S. In alphabetical order, they are: eses oses uses