what word has the prefix inter and means "existing between brothers"
Inter-ethnic strife.
int-, ie intra, inter
Inter national it on in eternal ten Nana nan an Anna
look go on inter net and tipe in 13 slam dunks
To convey the meaning of "existing between brothers," you could add the prefix "frater" to form the word "fraterinter." This combination of prefixes indicates something that is situated or occurring between brothers.
inter milan !
Intra is within inter is between
"Inter" means between
Inter milan if its a football team you're asking
? cava ? ? cervical ? ? (inter) costal ?
As a prefix, 'inter-' means amid, among, between, mutually, reciprocally, together, within, as in:interact: (verb) to act together or with othersinternational: (adjective) existing between countries, involving several countries, (in) more than one countryinternecine: (adjective) within the same group or organizationinterval: (noun) a gap or space in time, or between more than one thinginterview: (noun) meeting, formal conference - this is in the sense of the Latin inter- (between) + view ([to] see).
between or among
intercept interact interactive Actually just go here http://www.morewords.com/starts-with/inter/
The prefix of the word international is inter- which means between or among.
The prefix inter- means between. One common example is intersection which means between section.
Inter-firm is between two companies. Intra-firm is within one company.