The Sol Emeralds work the same way as the Chaos Emeralds, they allow Blaze to enter her super form for the final boss.
aal, ail, all, awl, bal, bel, col, dal, del, dol, eel, ell, fil, gal, gel, gul, ill, mel, mil, mol, nil, oil, owl, pal, pol, pul, sal, sel, sol, tel, til31 words found.
Every so often one of the crew near the boat dock will tell you they have found a sol emerald and you will gain a mission. He normally says it when you defeat certain bosses or find certain islands.
no blaze is not on sonic x. she would get on ever bodys nervios. she wont look for chaos emelralds she would only look for sol emelralds. so no she isint. she won't get on everybody's nerves. sonic ment her no harm so he wanted to help blaze find the sol emeralds.
Sol, Solsi, Renjsol, Grisonol, Isurisu, Hariolas or Fringesi are good nicknames for a solosis Pokemon.
Some adverbs that start with "sol" are solely, solely, solemnly.
Some words that start with 'sol' are:solacesolarsolariumsoldersoldiersolesolemnsolenoidsolicitsolidsoliloquysolitairesolitudesolosolsticesolublesolutionsolvesolvencysolvent
sale, sel, silence, sol, sultan,
No, the root word "sol" does not mean alone. It typically refers to the sun or something related to the sun.
The root "sol" meaning alone has a few words with this root that actually mean alone, these include; solo, solitude, and soloist
soluable, solute, solution :P i think that's what you mean right??
The Latin words for "sun" and "moon" are "sol" and "luna" respectively.
There are no 4-letter Scrabble words that end with SOL.
it depends, but it means sun or alone
The root word "sol" in solitaire is derived from the Latin word "solitarius," meaning alone or solitary. In the context of solitaire games, it refers to games that can be played alone.
yes. they believe faith is practiced alone Latin roots: -Sol=alone -Fid=faith