fact factual factly factory faced face facer are all words that start with fac.
Compound words that start with fan:fanfarefanfoldfanglikefantailfantasyland
Some words that start with 'tre' are:treacherytreacletreadtreadletreasuretreattreatytreetrektrellistrembletremendoustremortrenchtrendtrepidationtrespass
Words that start with th-thethatthosetheseThebesthankthenthisthanthey
Words that start with an A and end with a T include:AbetAboutAcrobatActAdoptAdultAfloatAghastAmountAnointAptApartmentArtArtistAslantAtAuntAwait
Some words that start with U are:uglyulcerumbrellaumpireuncleunderunguentupurbanurchinurgenturnuseutility
Here are a few words with the root word "fac": Factory Facilitate Factor Benefactor
The latin root "fac- or fic-" all means "make/do." Some words containing this root are facile, factory, malefactor, manufacture, and artifact.
benefactor, factor, factorization
Fac-to-ry has three syllables.
Fac Not Fiction was created on 1997-08-26.
The population of Vehicle Fac. Jabalpur is 11,956.
FAC = Firearms Certificate in Canada
The accent in the word "facsimile" goes on the first syllable, which is "fac." The emphasis is on the "fac" part of the word.
The Latin root word 'fac-' means to do, make, perform. English language derivatives include the adjective facile, which means 'easy'. They also include nouns such as fact, faction, factor, factory, and faculty.
The latin root "fac- or fic-" all means "make/do." Some words containing this root are facile, factory, malefactor, manufacture, and artifact.
Fac et spera in Latin is "Do and hope" in English.
Am Să-mi Fac De Cap was created in 2000.