triple threesome triplet Also, the prefix tri- means three as in the following: * triangle = a shape with three sides * tricycle = a bike with three wheels * tripod = having three feet/legs
Forbid, prohibit, ban, abjure are four words that mean "to command not to do something."
tripod triangle trigonometry triple triphasic
Diablo in other words means evil ,or something dominate.
Some words that mean to hold on tightly are: clasp clutch grasp grip seize
Samething is not a word. If you mean "it feels like the same thing all over again", then it is two words. If you meant to spell "something", as in "something smells funny", then it is one word.
"cluster of three" or "power of three" is a persuasive technique in which the author uses three words to describe something. such as: book our holiday, it is cheap, easy and fun!
Actually, the use of the words "three suns" to mean three days is an example of synecdoche, where a part is used to represent the whole. Metonymy involves substituting the name of one thing with something closely associated with it (e.g., "the crown" to represent the monarchy).
Function is how something works; if something is working. In my own words.
first.. I think you mean "words" "We The People" are the first three words
Three wheeled bike, three sided shape, and three of something.
little (molecule) (minuscule) words like that mean little of something or small of something.
Words that mean something has spoiled could be rotten. Or out of date, expired, gone bad or no good.
duo :)
This question is unclear - what sort of words are you looking for? Do you mean words which MEAN travel, words to use when you ARE traveling, or something entirely different?
"Trinity" means three of something. Typically, this word is used in conjunction with the Christian doctrine of God in three persons; Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
im not sure if this is the answer your looking for but three were could be a part of a sentencesuch as 'three of them went to the park' or something