Toot tat mom wow tot tit (left to right)
code cede deicide decide do doe deco bed bid bide bode box ox cox kook cook dock book coed coded chook echo coke boob (up and down)
The advantages of using plane mirror are they are ofthe same size as the objects
You see your reflection. Unless the mirror is broken then you see your reflection in a broken mirror. Unless all the pieces are on the floor then you see what was behind the pieces of glass in the mirror.
if the user uses a special based attack on the same round the foe did mirror coat it the user or the get twice the damage
Mirror mode is where you do the same courses as normal in 150 cc, but they are all swapped around eg. where you would normally turn left, you turn right.
Some words that have the same ending sound as who and to are:blewbluebrewcluechewcluecoocoupcrewcuedewdodrewdueeweflewflufluegluegnugoogrewhewhueknewlieuloomewmoonewpewphewpoohqueuerouxruescrewshoeshooshrewskewslewspewstewstrewsuethrewthroughtootruetwoviewwooyewyouzoo
Some examples of words that look the same in the mirror as they do on paper are "MOM," "DAD," "NOON," and "EYE." These words have symmetry either horizontally or vertically, allowing them to appear the same when reflected in a mirror.
There are several words that are the same front to back and back to front so yes they look the same in a mirror a few easy words are mom dad pop there are many more words that can be added to the list as well
they are shapes that are the same on the other side e.g a rectangle ....if you put a mirror on the shape if you look in the mirror it will look the same
Some letters that look the same in the mirror are A, H, I, M, O, T, U, V, W, X, and Y. These are symmetric either horizontally or vertically, making them look the same when reflected in a mirror.
Yes, you can use look in and look at interchangeably. EX: Look in that mirror. Look at that mirror. It basically is saying the same thing.
No, I do not have a physical form, so I do not have a reflection or appearance like a person or object would in a mirror.
In a plane mirror, your image is located directly behind the mirror at the same distance as you are from the mirror. The image appears to be the same size and orientation as the object but reversed left to right.
Look at a mirror and make it as light as possible, look at your eyes Look at a mirror and make it as dark as possible, Look at your eyes What's the difference. Same with cats
The image in a plane mirror appears to be the same size as the object, but flipped left to right. Additionally, the image appears to be behind the mirror at the same distance as the object is in front of the mirror.
Because they are perfectly symmetrical. go ahead and draw a square then look at it in the mirror :)