The English word BOOKKEEPING or BOOKKEEPER has three sets of consecutive double letters. SUBBOOKKEEPER is the only word with four sets of consecutive double letters, although these words should be hyphenated.
There are many words that have 3 consecutive letters in them. define erstwhile stump
Aardvark and eel are words. They begin with double letters.
The English word with three consecutive double letters is "bookkeeper."
The English word BOOKKEEPING or BOOKKEEPER has three sets of consecutive double letters. SUBBOOKKEEPER is the only word with four sets of consecutive double letters, although these words should be hyphenated.
Some non-hyphenated English words with consecutive double letters:# allottee # appellee# assessee# balloon# bookkeeping/bookkeeper # committee # cooee (British colloquial)# heelless# keenness # toolless
Yes, there are words in the English language that have three consecutive letters. For example, the word "golf" has the consecutive letters "olf."
There are many words that have 3 consecutive letters in them. define erstwhile stump
'Run' and 'the'. and 'cut'...
Aardvark and eel are words. They begin with double letters.
Raccoon is a word. It includes double letters in a row.
AnswerNo.AnswerThere are no words with consecutive double Q's (qq). But there are some words with two q's in it.EquivoqueQuaquaversalQuerqueduleQuinquagesimaQuinquangularQuinquarticularQuinqueangledQuinquedentateQuinquedentatedQuinquefariousQuinquefidQuinquefoliateQuinquefoliatedQuinqueliteralQuinquelobateQuinquelobaredQuinquelobedQuinquelocularQuinquenervedQuinquennialQuinquenniumQuinquepartiteQuinqueremeQuinquesyllableQuinquevalvequinquevalvularQuinquivalentSubquinquefid