The name aaron have two A's together. _____________________________________ The animal, aardvark. They asked the anteater how he liked his new job and he replied "it's aardvark, but it pays well"
Duet. It's used when two people sing together or playing musical instruments together.
A portmanteau blends two words (or parts of two words) into a new word. Some examples are... "Spork" combines spoon & fork "Usenet" combines user & network
The two words are: Chef, Role
What two words have the most letters in them?
words with mn together: * condemn * column * solemn
A blend of two words merged together is called a portmanteau.
The word is "portmanteau." It is a linguistic blend of words created by combining parts of two words together to form a new word with a combined meaning.
Joining two words together to create a new word is called a "compound word".
compound words
You put two words together.
i have no clue
When join two words together with hyphen, we normally get a new compound word, which always signifies a combine meaning of the joined words.
The two words that have been shortened and joined together are Micro and Scope
A compound word is two words put together, (It's it-is)
two, two words put together
Molecule and compound are two words that mean a substance made of atoms that are bonded together.