Comfortable, suitable, readable, lovable, adorable, understandable, achievable, adaptable, admirable, affordable, avoidable
There are hundreds of words end in ible and able. However, there are no words in the English language that begin with the letter y and end in ible or able.
There are no English words that end with IQ.
There are no English words that end with the letters EJ.
Some words that end with NO are:albinoaminocasinodominoinfernojalapenokenokimonomaraschinomerinoneutrinonooreganopalominopianorhinosopranostenovolcanowino
End in what?
There are hundreds of words end in ible and able. However, there are no words in the English language that begin with the letter y and end in ible or able.
Some words that end in -able are stoppable, table, fable, and unable. Some additional words are lockable, knowable, passable, sortable, and workable.
adorable, affordable these words would work
Some words with the suffix able include: unable, believable, and imaginable.
Words like detestable, despicable, and regrettable are examples of negative words that end with the suffix -able.
enable stable doable viable
Words ending with -able:adorableaffordableagreeableattachablebearablebelievablecapablecharitablechewablecombustiblecommendablecomparablecredibledefinabledetectabledelectabledependabledeplorabledurabledetachableeligibleenviableexpendablefableflammablefreezablegableliablememorableoperablenotablepliableportableremarkableretractablereusablesuitabletabletrainableunavailableunbeatablevariablewearable
The suffix is "-able" (test is one of the root words). The common words are: contestable detestable incontestable intestable testable uncontestable
livable mistakable treatable answerable lovable calculable hope that helps
More than 1,000 words begin with the letter a and end with the letter e. Some of those words are abbreviate, abide, able, absolve, acceptable, ace, ache, addressee, adventure, age and alive.