boy, toy, joy, destroy, employ, annoy, alloy, soy, Troy, Roy, coy,
decoy, enjoy
Alloy, annoy, coyly, decoy, enjoy, envoy, foyer, loyal, ploys, royal, savoy and toyed are 5 letter words. They contain the letters OY.
enjoy;boy;toy;convoy;joy;coy;roy;soy; royal; yoyo
Hi. If you're including "oy" in the word; "enjoy" is a five letter word that ends with "oy" enjoy
decoy, enjoy
Some words ending with OY are:ahoyalloyannoybatboybeachboybellboyboybuoybusboycloyconvoycorduroycowboycoydecoydeploydestroyemployenjoyenvoyhighboyhomeboyhouseboyjoykilljoylowboynewsboyoverjoypageboypaperboyplayboyploysavoyschoolboysoytallboytomboytoytroyviceroy
Copterline Oy ended in 2010.
Canada - end with a, holly - end with y, way - end with ay, hey _ end with ey, enjoy - end with oy,
Some words with the oi sound include boil, coin, and spoil. Words with the oy sound include boy, joy, and toy.
By, my ----------------- AY, BY, MY, OY
"Oy" is not a common suffix in English. However, it can be found in some words borrowed from Yiddish, such as "meshugge" or "oy vey." In this context, it can be considered a suffix.
Alloy, annoy, coyly, decoy, enjoy, envoy, foyer, loyal, ploys, royal, savoy and toyed are 5 letter words. They contain the letters OY.
Words with the letters oy include: boy joy toy ahoy employ annoy enjoy soy coy Roy destroy ploy royal oyster convoy alloy (sp?)
oy vey zmir
The spelling "oy" is usually found at the end of a word or syllable.