If you mean a "consonant" and y, there's loads. Many any mainly fairly fairy dairy army pally smelly steely rainy etc etc
Some words that start with G and end with Y are:gabbygalaxygalleygaudygaygenealogygentlygeographygeologygeometryghastlyghostlygigglygiddygingerlyglorygoodygoofygorygraduallygravellygravelygravitygravygraygreedygullygummyguppyGuy
Some words that start with a vowel and end in a Y are:animosityanyelectrifyenemyeveryexactlyonlyorneryuglyusury
Some four letter words that end with Y are:ablyahoyairyarmyawaybabybevybodyboxybuoyburybusycityclaycloycopycozydefydenydewydulydutyeasyeddyedgyenvyflayfoxyfrayfurygorygrayhazyholyickyidlyiffyinkyjoeyjurylacyladylazylevylilymanynarynavynosyobeyoilyokayonlyoozyorgypityplayployponypraypreypunyquayracyrelyrosyrubysexyslayspaysprystayswaytheytidytinytonytraytroyuglyvaryverywarywavywaxywheywilywiryzany
Zesty and zanily end with Y. Zealously, zestfully and zoologically end with Y.
There are hundreds of words end in ible and able. However, there are no words in the English language that begin with the letter y and end in ible or able.
Some words that start with G and end with Y are:gabbygalaxygalleygaudygaygenealogygentlygeographygeologygeometryghastlyghostlygigglygiddygingerlyglorygoodygoofygorygraduallygravellygravelygravitygravygraygreedygullygummyguppyGuy
Some words that start with a vowel and end in a Y are:animosityanyelectrifyenemyeveryexactlyonlyorneryuglyusury
Some four letter words that end with Y are:ablyahoyairyarmyawaybabybevybodyboxybuoyburybusycityclaycloycopycozydefydenydewydulydutyeasyeddyedgyenvyflayfoxyfrayfurygorygrayhazyholyickyidlyiffyinkyjoeyjurylacyladylazylevylilymanynarynavynosyobeyoilyokayonlyoozyorgypityplayployponypraypreypunyquayracyrelyrosyrubysexyslayspaysprystayswaytheytidytinytonytraytroyuglyvaryverywarywavywaxywheywilywiryzany
Zesty and zanily end with Y. Zealously, zestfully and zoologically end with Y.
Answer : constant vowels= a,e,i,o,u constant= every other letter lol no. Y is a vowel sometimes. If it creates a diphthong, like in boy. It makes an "oi" sound instead of being stuck on the end like "day."
Some words that end in "y" and make the long i sound are rely, deny, and terrify.
constant, distant, instant
There are words that end with z and begin with most letters. However, there are no words in the English language that begin with y and end with z.