Some words that use the letters 'd u n e f o u' are:dendodueduneendeonfeudfoefondfonduefoundfunfundnonodnudeodeofononeundoundue
Words that can be made with the letters EDDIE are:deeddiddie, diededid
There are no single English words that meet the criteria. However, if you change one of the e's to a d, you get BOTCHED.
The letters ELEDRMA can also spell the word EMERALD.
The letters spell the word impede.
You can spell node and done with those letters.
Those letters will spell dental.
The letters spell the word calked. They also spell the word lacked.
The longest words are 5 letters: fetid and tepid.
There are two unscramble possibilities:airtedtirade
113 words, easy
Some words that use the letters 'd u n e f o u' are:dendodueduneendeonfeudfoefondfonduefoundfunfundnonodnudeodeofononeundoundue