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Some words that can be made from the letters in Alaska are:

  • a
  • alas
  • as
  • ask
  • la
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Q: What words can you make from Alaska?
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How you get snow?

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Are there any Z words in Alaska?

NO there is not Ive searched everywhere there is noT!

How is the words boy and girl spoken in Alaska?

Alaskans speak English.

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When and where did Benny Benson make Alaska's flag?

At the Jesse Lee Home for Children in Seward Alaska in 1927.

What is the name for an eskimo parka?

There are probably different words for parka in Alaska depending on what Alaska Native tribe you come from but we call parka ATKUK

How doe Alaska make its money?

Through fishing since Alaska has many commercial fishing industries. And if you have will and persistence, you can find a good job and make money.

Are you an Alaska native if you were born in Alaska?

Being born in Alaska does not make you an Alaska Native. That term is used only for people who are indigineous to Alaska such as Eskimos (Inuits), Alieuts, Athabaskans, Tlinkets, and Haidas, just to name a few. Native Alaskan refers to those born in Alaska.

What is the Hispanic population in Alaska as of 2008?

As of 2008, the Hispanic population in Alaska was approximately 5.7% of the total population.