lace, mace, pace, race, fade, fake, fame, fare, fate, faze, fact.
Four letter words that can be made from the letters in 'Olympics' are:clipclopcloycoilcopylimplispmoiloilyployposysiloslimslipslopsoil
The following five letter words can be made:GoutyPouty
Words that can be made from AEHT, using each letter only once:A and THEAT and HEHATEHEAT
Four letter words that can be made from the letters 'monastery' are:amenantearmyatomearneasteasymanemanymareMarsmartmastmatemeanmeatmesamoanmoatmoremostmotenamenearneatnestnosenosynoteomenrantratereamrentrestroamroanroserosyrotesamesanesateseamsearseatsentsnotsoarsomesoresortstarstaystemtametaretarntaroteamteartermterntometonetoretorntramtraytreytroytsaryarnyearyore
Utilizing the letters abcdefg you can make 5, 4, 3 and 2 letter words. However, you can not make any 6 letter words.
Some four letter words that can be made from the word 'quid' by changing one letter are:quadquitquiz
Changing one letter will make: curs, firs, fury, fuss, ours, and furl.
anew, knee, or know
Since we have to use each letter only once.. two words can be made from these letters - at , sound
lace, race, mace, tace, pace, dace fade, fame, fate, fake, fare, fane, faze
The answer to "a light rain" when changing one letter from "pass" is "sprinkle." By changing the 'p' in "pass" to an 'r', you create the word "rain," which is a type of precipitation. Therefore, the phrase "a light rain" can be formed by changing one letter from "pass."
Five letter words that can be made with the letters in 'Thanksgiving' are:agingangstankhsgainsgaitsgangsgiantgnashgnatshangshankshintskingsknishknitsnightninthsaintsatinshanksightstainstankstingstinktanksthankthingthinkthinsvisitvista
No five letter words can be made from those letters. The following words can be made with the letters 'zcmegoy':cogcomecoycozyegogemgymgomemyyo
Some five letter words that can be made from the letters in 'hoarder' are:adoreardorheardhoardhordeoaredorder
Words that can be made with the letters 'aer' are:aareearera
Words that can be made from the letter is 'with' are:hihitIitwit
2-letter words en, ne, nu, un 3-letter words jeu, jun 4-letter words june 7 words found.