- Qats
-Qawwal -Qabalah
There are a lot of options for words that start with QA. An excellent three-letter word is QAT, and a good four letter word is QADI. Both of those words can be made plural by adding an S.
The only acceptable two letter word with Q is QI, a variation of the word Chi in "Taichi".
No. Qa is not a legal Scrabble word.
Many words begin with the letter t. However, no words in the English language begin with the letters tl.
There are no complimenting words that begin with X.
There are a lot of options for words that start with QA. An excellent three-letter word is QAT, and a good four letter word is QADI. Both of those words can be made plural by adding an S.
The only acceptable two letter word with Q is QI, a variation of the word Chi in "Taichi".
.qa was created in 1996.
Give a job to QA Engineer
QA Technologies was created in 2002.
* QA = Quality Assurance * QC = Quality Control
No. Qa is not a legal Scrabble word.
QA is process oriented and QC is product oriented. QC is usually service provided to development. QA expects development to provide service to it.
Several words begin with the letters soph. However, there are no words that end with the letters soph.
Lots of words begin with quart such asQuarter
Automated QA is based in Las Vegas. Contact them at (702) 891-9424 or visit www.automatedqa.com http://www.tuv.com offers QA testing worldwide.