Comical is a synonym for funny. It means that something is amusing.
Some fun words that start with C are:cakecan docarnivalcarouselcelebrationcheerleaderscheeseburgerchoicescontestscookiescupcakecycling
Some nice words that begin with C are:carecaresscarnationcleanclearcomfortcompletecozycucumbercuriosity
Cleric starts with c and ends with c
Some synonyms for 'story' that start with C are:chroniclecompositionconfessioncommunicationconstructioncanardconcomic book
It is a chum which is the synonyms of a friend :P.
Some fun words that start with C are:cakecan docarnivalcarouselcelebrationcheerleaderscheeseburgerchoicescontestscookiescupcakecycling
C. Windridge has written: 'Better words' 'Choose your words' -- subject(s): English language, Synonyms and antonyms 'A student's first thesaurus' -- subject(s): English language, Juvenile literature, Synonyms and antonyms
Some nice words that begin with C are:carecaresscarnationcleanclearcomfortcompletecozycucumbercuriosity
If you are referring to luck as a concept without positive connotations, chance would be a synonym.
Cleric starts with c and ends with c
Generally, you start off with the letter C.
There are approximately 58 words in the book "The City of Ember" that start with the letter 'c'.
peoples names start with c all time and there is alot of words that start with c