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Q: What word means respect out of fear?
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What word means respect mixed with fear?


What is the fear of god?

Theophobia- Fear of gods or religion.Another Answer:In Scripture, when it says the beginning of wisdom is the fear of the Lord, etc., the word fear means 'awe' and great respect for the all powerful, all knowing Creator.

What is a word that means without respect?

A word that means without respect is disrespect.

Why then are his eyes written fear God is it some kind of mockery?

"Fear" also means to respect and honor.

What does fear god mean?

Over the years words change their meaning. Such examples are words like 'aggravate' which today means 'to annoy' but originally meant 'to increase the load on' (as if you are putting extra packages on a donkey) , or 'gay' which originally meant 'happy' but now means 'homosexual'. A similar case occurs with the word 'fear'. Originally - in the time of the King James Version Bible, the word 'fear' did not mean, as it does today, 'to be scared of'. Rather, it meant 'have deep respect for'. Therefore one should fear God - in other words, respect God for who he is - show him respect and honour and love. In the same Bible, we are also asked to fear our parents - not to be scared of them (!!!) but to show them the respect they should receive from us.

What word mean respect for elders?

The word that means respect for elders is "veneration".

Where did the word bacteriophobia come from?

"phobia" means fear; as a suffix it implies fear of the root word, so "bacteriophobia" means "fear of bacteria"

Define the word fear as used in the bible?

The word 'fear' as used, especially in the Authorised version (King James version) of the Bible is a perfect example of how words have changed over time and now have a slightly different meaning. The word 'fear' as in 'we should fear God' does not mean that we should be scared of him, as the modern meaning of the word should suggest. Instead, the word 'fear' means 'a healthy respect for', or to 'stand in awe of' him - or, even more accurately, a mixture of the two.

What word does respect and fear mean?

Respect means that you treat people the way you would like to be treated. like if you treat someone like crap, don't you think you wouldn't want somone else treating you like that. And fear mens that you're terrified or afraid of something or someone.

What does God-fearing mean?

Over the years words change their meaning. Such examples are words like 'aggravate' which today means 'to annoy' but originally meant 'to increase the load on' (as if you are putting extra packages on a donkey) , or 'gay' which originally meant 'happy' but now means 'homosexual'. A similar case occurs with the word 'fear'. Originally - in the time of the King James Version Bible, the word 'fear' did not mean, as it does today, 'to be scared of'. Rather, it meant 'have deep respect for'. Therefore one should fear God - in other words, respect God for who he is - show him respect and honour and love. In the same Bible, we are also asked to fear our parents - not to be scared of them (!!!) but to show them the respect they should receive from us.

What is a word that means take away the self respect of?

"Debase" is a word that means to take away someone's self-respect or dignity.

What word means the fear of purple?

Porphyrophobia is the fear of the color purple