To get a word meaning "hurry" by adding one letter to "hate," you would add the letter "h" to get the word "haste." The word "haste" means to do something quickly or with urgency. The addition of the letter "h" transforms "hate" into "haste," creating a new word with a different meaning.
Shut means to close.
By adding the letter R to the word HIRES, and rearranging the letters, you can form the word SHRIEK, which means to scream.
Are is the three letter word. Add an A to the end and you have Area.
By adding the letter "r" to the word "hate," you get the word "hater," which does not mean hurry. To form a word meaning hurry, you would need to add the letter "y" to "hate," resulting in the word "hasty."
To get a word meaning "hurry" by adding one letter to "hate," you would add the letter "h" to get the word "haste." The word "haste" means to do something quickly or with urgency. The addition of the letter "h" transforms "hate" into "haste," creating a new word with a different meaning.
A 5 letter word for hurry? drive, haste, burst, fleet, sally, scoot, smoke, speed, whirl, whish, whisk.
To make the sentence negative, add the word "not": You are not in a hurry.
The 5 letter word is "shown". Add the letter n to the word show.
add a letter to mined ad get a word meaning cut to small pieces
If you add the letter "d" to "fin," the word "find" means to locate someone or something by searching for them in a specific location.