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Q: What word means burning wood when its first letter is erased?
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What English word means burning wood when you take away the first letter of the word?

member = m ember ----

what english word means burning wood when you take away the first letter of the world?

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I've is a word that means I have. I'll is a word that means I will.

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It means, "the letter," as in, " 'A' a is the first letter of the alphabet."

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Why Icthyus in Christianity?

Icthyus is the Greek word for fish. It is spelled with the Greek letters Iota, Chi, Theta, Upsilon, and Sigma. Iota is the first letter in the Greek word Iesous, which means Jesus. Chi is the first letter in the Greek word Christos, which means Christ. Theta is the first letter in the Greek word Theou, which means God. Upsilon is the first letter in the Greek word Uios, which means Son. Sigma is the first letter in the Greek word Soter, which means Savior.

Can a misdemeanor in tenneesse be erased?

You can apply to the court to have your record 'expunged' but it is by no means automatically granted.