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I believe you're looking for Anthropomorphic, see related link...

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Q: What word means attributing Human characteristics to inanimate objects?
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Related questions

What do you call it when you give an animal human abilities?

Anthropomorphism - attributing of human characteristics and purposes to inanimate objects, animals, plants, or other natural phenomena, or to God.

How do you use personification when upset?

When upset, you can use personification by attributing human emotions or characteristics to inanimate objects. For example, you could say "The raindrops were angrily pounding on the window," giving the raindrops the human emotion of anger. This can help convey your feelings in a creative way.

What is it called when an object is giving a human ability?

Anthropomorphism is the term used to describe attributing human characteristics or behaviors to non-human objects or animals.

What is the word which describes attributing human emotions to inanimate things?


When an author gives human traits to non living objects he is using what?

Personification- attributing human characteristics to non-human entities.

Which figure of speech gives inanimate objects or ideas humanlike qualities?

"Personification" is the term for giving inanimate objects or ideas human characteristics.

What is the term that gives feelings human charateristics?

Personification is the literary term that attributes human characteristics to inanimate objects or abstract ideas.

What literary term is The tormentors were flies sucking insolently at his blood?

The literary term used in this sentence is personification, where inanimate objects are given human qualities or characteristics. In this case, the flies are described as "sucking insolently," attributing them with the ability to behave in a disrespectful or rude manner.

What object is given human qulities?

Anthropomorphism is the attribution of human characteristics or behaviors to non-human objects or animals. This can be seen in literature, movies, and art where inanimate objects are given human-like qualities.

What is the personification for this sentenceThe wind sang her mournful song through the falling leaves?

people sing .. wind doesn't :) attributing human trades to things or animal is called personification :)

What is the word that describes human characteristics using non human words?

The word you are looking for is "anthropomorphism." It refers to the attribution of human characteristics, behaviors, and emotions to animals or objects.

Foreshadowing is a literary technique in which animals and inanimate objects are given human characteristics?

Actually, foreshadowing is a literary technique where hints or clues are given about what will happen later in the story. It is used to build suspense and create anticipation for the reader. Personification is the technique where animals and inanimate objects are given human characteristics.